Friday, February 8, 2013

Neurotrac TENS Machine

Neurotrac TENS Machine Tube. Duration : 0.93 Mins.

Buy from Amazon UK Site Customer Reviews: "This is a very good machine and very effective. It's provided in a sturdy carry case with battery, leads and electrode pads included. It's easy to get started using this - I just tried all the programmes to work out which ones...

Bell's Palsy - lip progress video (week 8)

Bell's Palsy - lip progress video (week 8) Tube. Duration : 1.58 Mins.

Movement in my lips is coming along! Slowly but it's very encouraging!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Management Lessons of the Moon Program (Andrew Chaikin)

Management Lessons of the Moon Program (Andrew Chaikin) Video Clips. Duration : 64.77 Mins.

Andrew Chaikin, space author and historian, discussed the role of project management during Apollo during the Organizational Silence event at Goddard Space Flight Center on July 31, 2012. 0:33 Ed Rogers Introduction 2:32 Andrew Chaikin Read More: Learn More about Goddard OCKO:

Screen Guild Theater: Talk of the Town / Guest Wife / The Firebrand

Screen Guild Theater: Talk of the Town / Guest Wife / The Firebrand Tube. Duration : 89.00 Mins.

Talk of the Town Ronald Colman, Virginia Bruce, Allyn Joslyn Guest Wife Claudette Colbert, Fred MacMurray, Dick Foran The Firebrand Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Virginia Field, Frank Morgan Douglas Elton Fairbanks, Jr. KBE DSC (December 9, 1909 -- May 7, 2000) was an American actor and a highly decorated naval officer of World War II. Fairbanks' father was one of cinema's first icons, noted for such swashbuckling adventure films as The Mark of Zorro, Robin Hood and The Thief of Bagdad. Largely on the basis of his father's name, Fairbanks, Jr. was given a contract with Paramount Pictures at age 14. After making some undistinguished films, he took to the stage, where he impressed his father, his stepmother Mary Pickford, and Charlie Chaplin, who encouraged him to continue with acting. He began his career during the silent film era. He initially played mainly supporting roles in a range of films featuring many of the leading female players of the day: Belle Bennett in Stella Dallas (1925), Esther Ralston in An American Venus (1926) and Pauline Starke in Women Love Diamonds (1927). In the last years of the silent period, he was upped to star billing opposite Loretta Young in several pre-Code films and Joan Crawford in Our Modern Maidens (1929). He supported John Gilbert and Greta Garbo in Woman of Affairs (1929). Progressing to sound, he played opposite Katharine Hepburn in her Oscar-winning role in the film Morning Glory (1933). With Outward Bound (1930), The Dawn Patrol (1930 ...

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Noa Epstein - Middle East Education through Technology

Noa Epstein - Middle East Education through Technology Tube. Duration : 37.75 Mins.

The Google LAX office hosted the CEO and Co-Director of MEET (Middle East Education through Technology), Noa Epstein on 2012/11/06. Founded in 2004 by a Googler and a team of Palestinians and Israelis, MEET is a program that is using technology and business to educate and empower tomorrow's most promising Israeli and Palestinian leaders. Each year MEET brings together hundreds of excelling Palestinian and Israeli young leaders to study technology, business, and entrepreneurship and together launch awesome technology products that transcend borders. MEET works in partnership with MIT and holds its program in Jerusalem. Find out more at Tens of Googlers both in the Middle East and the United States have participated in the program as instructors and mentors to the students, helping them launch inspiring projects such as a mobile app that helps to mobilize collective action, a Codecademy-like site focused on youth in the Middle East, and a gesture-controlled technology. Join us to learn more about this great initiative and how you can get involved! The embedded video prepared by MEET students may also be found at

tens unit butt.3GP

tens unit butt.3GP Tube. Duration : 0.45 Mins.

this is a TENS unit on pulse mode. Makes muscles tense up.

Best Selling Panasonic 4-Pad 2-Channel Pain Relief Tens Machine

Best Selling Panasonic 4-Pad 2-Channel Pain Relief Tens Machine Tube. Duration : 0.68 Mins.

Read More Best Selling Panasonic 4-Pad 2-Channel Pain Relief Tens Machine Product Features 4-Pad 2-Channel Low-Frequency Muscle Nerve Stimulator LCD display showing massage position technique and strength Long life washable pads 8 Preset programme selection 6 Manual massage programmes and 20 Level adjustable massage strengths

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Neurotrac Round TENS

Neurotrac Round TENS Video Clips. Duration : 0.97 Mins.

Buy from Amazon UK Site Customer Reviews: "These are an excellent product. They arrived quickly and are super sticky and compliment my TENS machine very well. Highly reccommended." Product Description Neurotrac Round TENS Set of - 4 Round Tens/EMS Machine Electrodes (Self Adhesive)So you will receive a total of 4 electrode pads which will fit most types of TENS/EMS machines on the market.These electrodes will fit all lead wires that have pin connectors with diameters of 1.96mm to 2.04mm (which basically covers all lead wires on the market with the 'pin' connection)They fit the majority of machines sold by Lloyds, Boots, BodyClock, Babycare, NeuroTrac, Natures Gate, TPN and Easy Tens.These Ten Electrodes Pads will last between 20 - 30 applications and are designed to be reusable, comfortable, durable, long lasting and hypoallergenic. Features:Pin Connector Size: 1.96mm to 2.04mmSelf Adhesive ElectrodesBrand: VeritySize: Round 50mmPin Connector Size: 1.96mm to 2.04mmColour: WhiteMain Material: ElectrodesMade In: ChinaPresented In: Poly BagPacked Weight: 100gms Disclosure: Fabriano Boutique is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon UK Site. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon, Inc. or its affiliates.

Neurotrac Rectangle TENS

Neurotrac Rectangle TENS Video Clips. Duration : 0.93 Mins.

Buy from Amazon UK Site Product Description Neurotrac Rectangle TENS Set of 4 Rectangle Tens/EMS Machine Electrodes (Self Adhesive)So you will receive a total of 4 electrode pads which will fit most types of TENS/EMS machines on the market.These electrodes will fit all lead wires that have pin connectors with diameters of 1.96mm to 2.04mm (which basically covers all lead wires on the market with the 'pin' connection)They fit the majority of machines sold by Lloyds, Boots, BodyClock, Babycare, NeuroTrac, Natures Gate, TPN and Easy Tens.These Ten Electrodes Pads will last between 20 - 30 applications and are designed to be reusable, comfortable, durable, long lasting and hypoallergenic. Features:Pin Connector Size: 1.96mm to 2.04mmSelf Adhesive ElectrodesBrand: VeritySize: Rectangle, 90mm x 40mmPin Connector Size: 1.96mm to 2.04mmColour: WhiteMain Material: ElectrodesMade In: ChinaPresented In: Poly BagPacked Weight: 100gms Disclosure: Fabriano Boutique is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon UK Site. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon, Inc. or its affiliates.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Miners rescued in China 3 missing [CNN 1-19-2013]

Miners rescued in China 3 missing [CNN 1-19-2013] Tube. Duration : 1.18 Mins.

Click and buy a Tee-Shirt using the link above for a 2% discount. MeTee: Tee-Shirt Design in Seconds. - The Known Worlds of the fictional Andromeda universe include more than a million star systems, scattered across the galaxies of the Local Group. Slipstream travel discovered by the Vedrans made actual distance irrelevant and allowed them to colonize the 'Three Galaxies' quickly and discover most intelligent species. Apparently there were no known attempts to colonize galaxies outside of the Local Group. However, by the time of Vedran Empire's founding most of those galaxies might be already destroyed by the Magog Worldship, first discovered by the Andromeda Ascendant. - Subscribe for Breaking News. Like/Dislike, Comment, Favorite and share on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ to get the word out on this video. Like on Facebook for videos in your newsfeed: Become a channel sponsor for 30 days for /day and send me a private message. Have any ad you want to play at the end of each video (any one video can go viral with tens-of-thousands of hits) Put this video on your own channel with a more interesting title (never know if this channel will get taken down): Download video with keepvid and upload file to your own Youtube account. Signup to get video headlines emailed daily

The LiberalOasis Radio Show: Check Your Background Edition [FULL SHOW]

The LiberalOasis Radio Show: Check Your Background Edition [FULL SHOW] Tube. Duration : 48.07 Mins.

If you liked this clip of LiberalOasis TV, please do us a big favor and share it with your friends... and hit that "like" button! Follow Us on Twitter Liberal Oasis TV is part of The David Pakman Show YouTube Network. Find out more: Subscribe to Liberal Oasis TV for more: Originally broadcast on January 17, 2013

You can say Goodbye to your Backache NOW with Aurawave Pain Relief

You can say Goodbye to your Backache NOW with Aurawave Pain Relief Tube. Duration : 4.05 Mins.

Get Your Aurawave Now!! Aurawave provides instant pain relief. Supplies same professional treatment as in doctor's office. Is FDA - cleared for over the counter use. Gives a soothing massage. Get Drug Free pain relief. Place your Aurawave pads on either side of pain & get relief from aching lower back, stiff shoulder, knee strain or sore hip NOW. *** 30 Days PAIN FREE GUARANTEE ***

Sunday, February 3, 2013

TENS on TMJ joint

TENS on TMJ joint Tube. Duration : 1.75 Mins.

Electrical muscle stimulation on the jaw joint. Too funny!! Sound effects make it.

Ischial Tuberosity pain treatment - Dr. Ross Hauser

Ischial Tuberosity pain treatment - Dr. Ross Hauser Video Clips. Duration : 4.08 Mins.

Prolotherapy is a very effective treatment for ischial tuberosity pain, as we see in our office at Caring Medical. In this video, Prolotherapy physician Ross Hauser, MD explains his years of experience treating ischial tuberosity pain utilizing comprehensive Prolotherapy, also known as Hackett-Hemwall Prolotherapy. If you have chronic pain in the ischial tuberosity or groin pain, please call us for a Prolotherapy evaluation. To learn more about comprehensive Prolotherapy injections for ischial tuberosity pain, visit: or watch a Prolotherapy injection treatment to the ischial tuberosity at:

TENS on Lateral Epicondylitis

TENS on Lateral Epicondylitis Video Clips. Duration : 12.38 Mins.

Treatment for lateral epicondylitis using TENS with Burst Mode

Saturday, February 2, 2013

empi tens unit

empi tens unit Tube. Duration : 1.03 Mins.

empi tens unit TENS stands for (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation). which are primarily used for nerve related pain conditions (acute and chronic conditions). tens units tens unit reviews tens machines

Bioenergiser Electro Flex Boosts Circulation Voetrelfexelogie bloed circulator massager.mp4

Bioenergiser Electro Flex Boosts Circulation Voetrelfexelogie bloed circulator massager.mp4 Tube. Duration : 2.33 Mins.

Van de Bioenergiser Electro Flex de Lux is bewezen dat het de bloedsomloop stimuleerd en eventuele zwelling in de benen en enkels te verlicht. Perfect voor mensen met overgewicht, gestrest zijn, moe door het leven gaan of diabetes hebben, deze circulatie booster maakt gebruik van de beproefde TENS technologie wat op verschillende niveaus stimuleerd, daardoor ontspanning geeft, verminderen van zwellingen, spataderen, vochtafname en pijnverlichting! Bestel de Electro Flex op Extra info: BioEnergiser ELECTRO FLEX - Circulatie Massager De elektrische Flex is gebaseerd op oude Chinese Voetreflexzonentheorie. De micro-electro stimulatie stimuleert drukpunten op de zolen van uw voeten en zorgt voor een ontspannende behandeling. Hier krijg je samen met de extra infrarood massagefunctie een voetmassage verwennerij. Deze Electrofelx heef 10 vooraf ingestelde programma's met 40 levels per programma, mede zijn er 2 kanalen beschikbaar voor verschillende spiergroepen. Daarnaast heeft de elektrische flex vier gel pads die op andere lichaamsdelen kunt plakken. Hiermee kun je een meer gerichte massage op probleem gebieden van het lichaam krijgen. Ergonisch en makkelijk te gebruiken! Ingebouwde handgreep LED bedieningspaneel De Electro Flex heeft een groot LCD-scherm en blauwe LED-achtergrondverlichting voor eenvoudige bediening. Ga zitten en laat jezelf en je lichaam met een 25-minuten Electro Flex applicatie verwennen terwijl u een oek leest of tv kijkt. De voordelen in ...

Friday, February 1, 2013

Tens Machine Tens Electrodes Placements

Tens Machine Tens Electrodes Placements Video Clips. Duration : 11.12 Mins.

Bob Johnson explains the logic for where to put self adhering, reusable tens electrodes for tens units, PGS unit, interferential units so a patient can understand how the electrodes work with the estim unit to provide pain relief. The purpose of the reusable electrodes in conducting current from the wires to the pain areas is explained in detail.

Reusable Electrode Placement For Leg & Hip Pain With Infrex Plus Tens Interferential Machine

Reusable Electrode Placement For Leg & Hip Pain With Infrex Plus Tens Interferential Machine Tube. Duration : 2.78 Mins.

Bob of explains where to put tens electrodes and why when treating chronic hip pain with electrotherapy whether using a tens unit, an interferential unit, or the combination of both tens and interferential with the Infrex Plus pain machine.

Clutch Assembly Replacement (part #285785) - Whirlpool/ Kenmore Washer Repair

Clutch Assembly Replacement (part #285785) - Whirlpool/ Kenmore Washer Repair Tube. Duration : 4.17 Mins.

Buy part #285785 now: Is your washing machine not spinning or agitating? It's possible that your washer clutch is bad. This free troubleshootingvideo shows step-by-step instructions on replacing the clutch assembly on top loading direct drive Whirlpool, Kenmore, Sears, Roper, KitchenAid, Estate, Maytag, and Inglis washing machines. Tools Needed: flathead screwdriver, Phillips head screwdriver, pliers, putty knife, 7/16th socket, and a hex socket Washing machine motors can start up and reach full speed in a second or less, which is too fast for many of the components the motor drives. So most washers use an automatic clutch assembly to dampen the effect of the motor starting up. On some washing machines, the clutch assembly is just a combination of the drive belt slipping temporarily on a pulley and gradually tightening. On other units, the clutch assembly is more like one you would find in a car--it uses a drum-and-pad combination of components. As the clutch assembly wears out, it may prevent the washer from agitating well or at all. If the clutch assembly is worn, you need to replace it. There are a few symptoms that point towards your washing machine possibly needing a new clutch assembly: 1.) The washing machine not spinning or is spinning poorly 2.) The washing machine is not agitating Every day, tens of thousands of people use our advanced, easy-to-navigate, comprehensive troubleshooting and repair help system on our website- www.repairclinic ...