Friday, November 30, 2012

Neurotrac Electrodes

Neurotrac Electrodes Tube. Duration : 0.93 Mins.

Buy from Amazon UK Site Customer Reviews "i have sever back probs and these are great to put 4 on at time so most of back getting used at once" Product Description Neurotrac Electrodes Set of 4 Rectangle Tens/EMS Machine Electrodes (Self Adhesive)So you will receive a total of 4 electrode pads which will fit most types of TENS/EMS machines on the market.These electrodes will fit all lead wires that have pin connectors with diameters of 1.96mm to 2.04mm (which basically covers all lead wires on the market with the 'pin' connection)They fit the majority of machines sold by Lloyds, Boots, BodyClock, Babycare, NeuroTrac, Natures Gate, TPN and Easy Tens.These Ten Electrodes Pads will last between 20 - 30 applications and are designed to be reusable, comfortable, durable, long lasting and hypoallergenic. Features:Pin Connector Size: 1.96mm to 2.04mmSelf Adhesive ElectrodesBrand: VeritySize: Rectangle 90mm x 50mmPin Connector Size: 1.96mm to 2.04mmColour: WhiteMain Material: ElectrodesMade In: ChinaPresented In: Poly BagPacked Weight: 100gms Disclaimer: Fabriano Boutique is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon UK. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon, Inc. or its ...

TENS unit fun part 2

TENS unit fun part 2 Video Clips. Duration : 2.12 Mins.

She wasnt just making stupid faces, this was something called a TENS unit, something used to stimulate your nerves and muscles through electroshock to take away pain, well we put all the little pads on our face to stimulate the nerves and muscles in our faces, thus creating the involuntary movements for everyones viewing pleasure.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

EDS Back Issues

EDS Back Issues Tube. Duration : 3.13 Mins.

I'm looking for more suggestions on how to approach my back instability issues. Back back gave out today and cause me to fall on my face. Now I'm trying to study for my exams in a lot of pain. I use ice packs, tens units, heating pads,and back brace to try and fix my back instability but nothing really seems to be having an effect (even though the Tens unit has helped me through some rough times)

Mama Tens Maternity Kit Machine - Kiddicare

Mama Tens Maternity Kit Machine - Kiddicare Video Clips. Duration : 2.25 Mins.

See this now on - We won't be beaten on price. The MamaTENS Maternity unit uses an advanced digital design to give improved pain relief in an easy to use, attractive style. TENS Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation has an excellent reputation as one of the safest, most effective forms of modern pain control available to women during childbirth. The treatment is widely approved and recommended by midwives, doctors and medical professionals, and MamaTENS allows mothers to be to experience mobile, drug-free labour, with personal control over your pain relief. It can also be used in conjunction with analgesics such as pethidine or standard gas and air. The MamaTENS unit uses an advanced digital design to give improved pain relief in an easy to use, attractive style. Easy to use Mama TENS has no knobs to turn, simply buttons to press Pre-set programmes There are three pre set recognised programmes including a unique ramp facility Integral Booster Button A boost button is built into the Mama TENS to allow for you and your partner to be more in control Ramp Control The Mama TENS has a unique ramp facility which can be used if pain becomes excessive or if the labour pains come on unexpectedly and you have not had time to build your endorphins Detailed Instruction Booklet and Pictorial Guide An easy to understand pictorial guide and instruction booklet is supplied with each unit The Advantages of Tens No effect on the baby

Neurotrac TENS

Neurotrac TENS Tube. Duration : 0.93 Mins.

Buy from Amazon UK Site Product Description Neurotrac TENS Set of - 4 Round Tens Machine Electrodes (Self Adhesive)So you will receive a total of 4 electrode pads which will fit most types of TENS/EMS machines on the market.These electrodes will fit all lead wires that have pin connectors with diameters of 1.96mm to 2.04mm (which basically covers all lead wires on the market with the 'pin' connection)They fit the majority of machines sold by Lloyds, Boots, BodyClock, Babycare, NeuroTrac, Natures Gate, TPN and Easy Tens.These Ten Electrodes Pads will last between 20 - 30 applications and are designed to be reusable, comfortable, durable, long lasting and hypoallergenic. Features:Pin Connector Size: 1.96mm to 2.04mmSelf Adhesive ElectrodesBrand: VeritySize: Round 50mmPin Connector Size: 1.96mm to 2.04mmColour: WhiteMain Material: ElectrodesMade In: ChinaPresented In: Poly BagPacked Weight: 100gms Disclaimer: Fabriano Boutique is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon UK. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon, Inc. or its affiliates.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Dale The Dancing Pinky Toe

Dale The Dancing Pinky Toe Tube. Duration : 0.40 Mins.

Dale The Dancing Pinky Toe is a drawn smiley face on a pinky toe with tens unit attached to foot to make the muscles in the toe twitch or jump and move around

electronic muscle stimulation ems - for rehab

electronic muscle stimulation ems - for rehab Tube. Duration : 6.58 Mins.

Long story short working out the pecs through traditional weight training will most likely shorten pec length which can cause more strain on a already strained rotator cuff muscle. Electro muscular stimulation is a simple and effective way to give a good amount of stimulation to an injured muscle without having to put any structural joint or tendon at risk from exercise. EMS or stim units are electrical devices which have conductive pads that you can place on a particular muscle that you want to stimulate and contract. Maximum recruitment of type IIb muscle fibre through electro muscular stimulation The contraction through electromuscular stimulation will be very intense and isometric in nature, this has two advantages, 1. It allows maximum stimulation without movement around a joint therefore not causing any stress on injured araes 2. It can preferentially recruit the type IIb - fast twitch muscle fibre which are the fibres we train for maximum power and strength. We can do this due to the way ems units by pass our own voluntary capacity for muscle recruitment. Read the full article on ems and stes and reps:

Month Four

Month Four Tube. Duration : 5.20 Mins.

Four months after Slap Tear Surgery.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tens machine pads on the butt

Tens machine pads on the butt Video Clips. Duration : 0.57 Mins.

When the mrs is about to go into labour - you just gotta test out the tens machine works properly!!!!!

01 - Roger Shah presents Sunlounger - The Beach Side Of Life (Official Album Downtempo Preview)

01 - Roger Shah presents Sunlounger - The Beach Side Of Life (Official Album Downtempo Preview) Video Clips. Duration : 3.18 Mins.

Out on 22-10-2010. Pre - Order here on iTunes: Pre - Order the CD on the Armada Shop: He started this summer with the third wave of his Magic Island mix series - his 'see-you-soon' musical-message to Balearically-minded people everywhere. The compilation prefaced one of the most incredible summer seasons of Roger's career -- one that has seen him take his unique, spellbinding LIVE show to all four corners of the globe -- witnessed by tens of thousands of people along the way. This October he'll book-end it with his 'closing party', the last sunset stroke of his 2010 summer... Under his most famous alias, Shah delivers Sunlounger's third artist album. The man to whom summer is as much an obsession as it is a season will again enthral with super-warm pads & super-chilled riffs; ones that will create a fresco of new music, infused & influenced, at every turn, by the sun. 'Beach Side's start-point -- both spiritual and actual - is Salinas, Ibiza, where Roger captured the ambient sounds, the lapping waves and his own muted musings for the title track. Back in the studio the drums and looping lamenting guitar refrains were brought in and they provide the perfect introduction to 'A Beach Side's musical MO Back in 2008 Roger & vocalist Zara Taylor recorded 'Lost' -- a track that proved to be the most popular trance track of that year (as voted for by the listeners of A State Of Trance). Both producer and vocalist felt that 'the story' merited a concluding part and ...

Monday, November 26, 2012

Indian Teen Girl Enjoying In Room

Indian Teen Girl Enjoying In Room Video Clips. Duration : 2.40 Mins.

Indian Teen Girl Enjoying In Room Dance With Hindi Song

Treating Your Back Pain with Tens Units and Heating Pads

Treating Your Back Pain with Tens Units and Heating Pads Video Clips. Duration : 2.88 Mins.

Tens Units and Heating Pads are often used in the treatment of upper back pain and lower back pain. Although they do not offer a cure for back pain, the can help relieve the symptoms and therefore make you feel better. So, if you are looking for relief on the pain on the back do not underestimate the benefits of the empi tens units or the heating pad. Dr. Mayra Alfonso, MD is an expert in the management of back and neck pain, and has been in practice since 1996. Her newly launched web site Back Pain Watch - - strives to give you valuable and expert advice, tips and information on your back pain issues. You can get her exclusive FREE REPORT where she reveals How To Get Rid Of Back Pain Once And For All, by visiting http right now.

The Official Circulation Booster V3 from High Tech Health - Ireland

The Official Circulation Booster V3 from High Tech Health - Ireland Video Clips. Duration : 1.52 Mins.

So simple to use and operate, the Circulation Booster v3® device has been proven to increase circulation, reduce swelling in the feet and legs and relive aches and pains. Place your feet onto the foot pads, switch it on and select your settings. It even includes 4 TENS pads to target hard to reach areas. For more information visit How The Circulation Booster v3® increases your blood circulation: Your legs contain a series of muscle driven pumps and one-way valves, a system called the second heart, to pump the blood back up through your body. When leg health is not maintained due to age or illness, your second heart weakens. The Circulation Booster v3® applies mild electrical muscle stimulation to your feet to activate your second heart. Immediately the blood is pumped back up through your legs, improving your blood flow and reducing fluid retention around the ankle. Get great circulation today!!!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Milex Electrotherapy

Milex Electrotherapy Video Clips. Duration : 0.88 Mins.

Get a great deal here Product Description Milex Electrotherapy ELectrotherapy back pain reviver is a system to relieve your troubling back pain. The system uses TENS technology to alleviate back pain associated with sore and aching muscles in the lower back due to strain from exercise and normal household or work activities. TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) treatment now available without prescription. The TENS generates electrical impulses that are sent through electrodes placed over nerve centers. The various pulses employed by TENS can block pain signals normally sent to the brain through nerve fibers, thereby interrupting the brains awareness of pain. ELectrotherapy back pain reviver is FDA Cleared. Developed by leading experts in the field of medical electrotherapy, this Blue Wave stimulator sends comfortable electrical stimulation through pads on your skin into the nerves of your lower back. The stimulation blocks pain signals from traveling to the brain so that you feel less pain or no pain at all. You wrap the belt and pads around your waist just as you would a back support and the stimulator clips to your belt or slips into your pocket. You control the intensity and frequency of the stimulation. Wear in comfort even when golfing, gardening, shopping, driving, etc.

Dr Jennifer Berman Vaginal Electrical Stimulation

Dr Jennifer Berman Vaginal Electrical Stimulation Video Clips. Duration : 1.80 Mins.

This video was uploaded from an Android phone.

01 Roger Shah presents Sunlounger - The Beach Side Of Life (Official Album Video)

01 Roger Shah presents Sunlounger - The Beach Side Of Life (Official Album Video) Video Clips. Duration : 5.42 Mins.

Listen on Spotify: Buy this videoclip on iTunes! Download album at iTunes: Get the album CD here: Thisvideo is part of a whole series in which the new Roger Shah presents Sunlounger album; "Beach Side Of Life" will be visualized into a new perspective; contextually corresponding with each other. He started this summer with the third wave of his Magic Island mix series - his 'see-you-soon' musical-message to Balearically-minded people everywhere. The compilation prefaced one of the most incredible summer seasons of Roger's career -- one that has seen him take his unique, spellbinding LIVE show to all four corners of the globe -- witnessed by tens of thousands of people along the way. This October he'll book-end it with his 'closing party', the last sunset stroke of his 2010 summer... Under his most famous alias, Shah delivers Sunlounger's third artist album. The man to whom summer is as much an obsession as it is a season will again enthral with super-warm pads & super-chilled riffs; ones that will create a fresco of new music, infused & influenced, at every turn, by the sun. 'Beach Side's start-point -- both spiritual and actual - is Salinas, Ibiza, where Roger captured the ambient sounds, the lapping waves and his own muted musings for the title track. Back in the studio the drums and looping lamenting guitar refrains were brought in and they provide the perfect introduction to 'A Beach Side's musical MO Back in 2008 Roger & vocalist ...

Saturday, November 24, 2012


aca.avi Video Clips. Duration : 3.98 Mins.

Bio Electronics products are featured on A Current Affair. For more information visit us at

tens unit great for stiff aching Muscles

tens unit great for stiff aching Muscles Tube. Duration : 3.43 Mins.

had to get this out of my junk draw, been working out trying to get into shape and my neck feels a little stiff today so i am going to attache this to my sore area and kick back and get a electrical massage

Friday, November 23, 2012

Flexi TENS - pain relief

Flexi TENS - pain relief Video Clips. Duration : 3.27 Mins.

TENS - Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation works by passing mild electrical impulses through the skin, into the nerve fibres whitch lie below, via electrone pads. TENS impulses help yor body produce its own pain killing chemicals, such as "endorphins".

Muscle Stimulator Fun

Muscle Stimulator Fun Tube. Duration : 1.20 Mins.

Yes I really did put a muscle stimulator on my fore head. It hurt, ALOT! I don't recomend anyone do that. I have an office chair on wheels and I'm on a hard wood floor, so when I fall it's 'cause it rolled out from under me. And the all the noise...that was junk I knocked off my desk trying to grap the stimulator so that I could turn it off. It didn't occur to me that I could just take the pads off my head. Bad thing was, it was only on 40% power. It goes all the way up the 100%. My head and it's been a good ten minutes between when I shot this vid and when I posted it.

Stopping Migraine Headaches With Infrex Plus High Frequency Interferential Therapy

Stopping Migraine Headaches With Infrex Plus High Frequency Interferential Therapy Tube. Duration : 6.18 Mins.

Interferential and tens electrodes should be placed to avoid muscle tightness and blood vessel constriction which is often associated with headache and migraine headache pain. Bob Johnson of shows what to consider and where to place tens electrodes to prevent or eliminate headache pain.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Sonoma County Economic Summit 2011 - part 1 - EDB

Sonoma County Economic Summit 2011 - part 1 - EDB Video Clips. Duration : 14.43 Mins.

Opening remarks by Ben Stone of the Sonoma County Economic Development Board and County of Sonoma Supervisor Mike McGuire

MPO 8500

MPO 8500 Tube. Duration : 4.67 Mins.

Medical Products Online TENS Machines - Professional Four Channel Digital Portable TENS Unit & Muscle Stimulator System is a Four channel TENS electrotherapy unit that allows you to use up to 8 electrode pads at one time. You will have the choice of 3 modes of TENS and 3 modes of Electronic Muscle Stimulator TENS Unit Stimulation -- stands for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation. Pain, whether chronic (long-term) or acute (short-term, often from surgery or trauma), can be relieved through a variety of methods including drugs, topical ointments, surgery, and electrical stimulation. TENS Machines deliver mild electrical pulses through the skin to stimulate the cutaneous (surface) and afferent (deep) nerves to help control pain. Unlike drugs or topical ointments, TENS electrotherapy does not have any known side effects. Muscle Stimulation Unit - Primarily used for preventing disuse atrophy (muscle wasting). Stronger than a TENS unit, with a wider pulse width to elicit muscle contraction for a period of time. More than just nerve stimulation, muscles are contracted and relaxed on and off to strengthen muscles, increase blood circulation to the area, and/or to reduce edema. Device features include adjustable pulse rate, width, amplitude, ramp, alternating or synchronous stimulation. Features: • Three TENS Modes • Synchronous • Constant • Alternate EMS Modes • Synchronous • Constant • Alternate - Pulse Width: 50 ~ 250µS, (10µS / step) - Pulse Rate: 20 ~ 120Hz • On Ramp ...

Omron Pads

Omron Pads Tube. Duration : 0.93 Mins.

Buy from Amazon UK Site Product Description Omron Pads Omron Longlife Electrode Pads are for use with Omron Tens devices. They have great durability as they are reusable and even washable. With a pre-gelled backing they are self adhesive without the use of seperate gel. Oron Longlise pads are suitable for Omrom E2, E4 and Soft Touch devices. Supplied with comprehensive instructions for use and information on how to care for them. Disclaimer Fabriano Boutique is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon UK Site. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon, Inc. or its affiliates.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Tens Electrodes Placement & Electrode Care By A Physical Therapist

Tens Electrodes Placement & Electrode Care By A Physical Therapist Tube. Duration : 6.30 Mins.

Elizabeth Johnson, Physical Therapist of, shows proper care of your tens pads, tens electrodes for the Infrex Plus pain machine. Your tens electrodes will last longer and work better with proper care. Your health insurance may pay for your tens pads, tens electrodes and supplies for chronic pain, including other topical pain products such as BioFreeze, Tiger Balm patches, Sombra for as long as the patient has pain.

Moby Dick (11 of 14)

Moby Dick (11 of 14) Video Clips. Duration : 116.33 Mins.

Subtitles available. Audio courtesy of LibriVox. Read by Stewart Wills CLICK HERE for MORE VIDEOS!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Imphenzia - State Of Confusion (Adraw Remix)

Imphenzia - State Of Confusion (Adraw Remix) Video Clips. Duration : 6.33 Mins.

BUY (juno): BUY (amazon): Label: Emona Records Tracklist: 01. Imphenzia - State Of Confusion (Adraw ft. Makrolon Radio Edit) (3:16) 02. Imphenzia - State Of Confusion (Adraw Remix) (6:19) IMPHENZIA reaches a worldwide audience with the mixture of trance, club and goa influenced music. Despite the vast number of electronic artists of today, the sound of Imphenzia carries unique characteristics that daily attract more listeners. Mainly releasing his music on the Internet has enabled tens of thousands of listeners from around the world to enjoy the hypnotic moods created in his compositions. Stefan was born in Haninge a few miles south of Stockholm, Sweden in the year 1975. By making short segments of music for multimedia presentations in the early 1990s his interest quickly grew and full-length electronic tracks started to take shape. Being nothing more than a spare time hobby, the hardware set up was very limited and tracks were produced using nothing more than a computer and a piece of software called "Fast Tracker". During the first years the tracks were made in a project named "Elite Beat", and most of the completed tracks remain unreleased yet today. It wasn't until 1997 that Imphenzia emerged, replacing the previous Elite Beat project. Tracks were released on the Internet and as the public showed much interest in the music, Stefan focused more resources and time, aiming to further progress as a musician and artist. The first ...

ElectraStim Em32-L Adventure Pack

ElectraStim Em32-L Adventure Pack Tube. Duration : 3.70 Mins.

This stimulation adventure pack comes with the Em32 digital stimulator (see seperate video), the accessory connection cable, a pair of super conductive adjustable loop electrodes for penis and scrotum attachment, a tube of electro conductive gel and battery all safely stored in a handy carry case. Full instructions included.

How-To: Garmin DAKOTA 10 20 - Broken Touch Display DIY Repair - Como Reparar Display Partido/Rachado

How-To: Garmin DAKOTA 10 20 - Broken Touch Display DIY Repair - Como Reparar Display Partido/Rachado Tube. Duration : 34.43 Mins.

(SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH VERSION OF THIS TEXT) Português: Se o teu Garmin Dakota 10/20 saltou do suporte do guiador como o meu, e partiu o display de toque, como o meu, tens outra opção sem ser a que a Garmin te dá (vender-te um novo com um pequeno desconto). Podes repará-lo tu mesmo, como eu fiz... A Garmin queria 133eur por um GPS novo em troca do partido, eu troquei o display de toque por cerca de 20eur. Na realidade o que rachou foi a camada do display sensível ao toque, e não o ecrã em si. Dada a dureza deste "display de toque" e distância entre este eo ecrã em si, calculo que este será o cenário na maior parte dos casos. Para partir mesmo o ecrã, teria de ser uma pancada mesmo muito forte, em algo pontiagudo. Foi a primeira vez que fiz isto, sem conhecer o aparelho por dentro nem saber o que iria encontrar, daí as hesitações durante o vídeo, enquanto decicida como agir. Felizmente correu tudo bem! Procedimentos: - Comprar um display de toque novo, eu comprei o meu aqui: - Ver este vídeo antes de fazer seja o que for - o vídeo todo! - Tirar a tampa das pilhas e desapertar os 6 parafusos Torx; - Com cuidado desligar o conector do ecrã que impede a separação das duas metades; - Desaperta os 4 parafusos Torx do ecrã e desencaixa os encaixes laterais a meio do ecrã, para o retirar; - Dessolda as ligações do ecrã - são 4 de ligação e 2 de fixação da fita; - Com um x-acto, corta a cola entre o display de toque ea armadura de metal do ecrã - o meu display ...

Monday, November 19, 2012

Local Color - Oct. 18, 2012

Local Color - Oct. 18, 2012 Video Clips. Duration : 26.50 Mins.

This week on Local Color (Oct. 18), host Mamie Shannon and guests are talking about Art on Fire at The Dixon Gallery and Gardens, the 25th anniversary of the band FreeWorld,"Bug" by New Moon Theatre Company at Theaterworks, Dia de los Muertos and the Taste for Tiffany at the Brooks Museum, and more.

Marc JB & Inaya Day - Every Breath(Tony Moran and Wayne Rigg remix)

Marc JB & Inaya Day - Every Breath(Tony Moran and Wayne Rigg remix) Tube. Duration : 5.48 Mins.

Marc JB & Inaya Day - Every Breath Tony Moran and Wayne Rigg remix "EVERY BREATH" " this song will have a long ride and will make a huge impact" FRANKIE KNUCKLES ***please do not share this Exclusive promo *** mixes from DIRECTOR'S CUT (FRANKIE KNUCKLES & ERIC KUPPER) BIMBO JONES TONY MORAN & WARREN RIGG GOLDLOCK & OCTAGON Prolific producer, Marc JB teams up with the amazing Inaya Day to power up the new house floorfiller, " EVERY BREATH". Tuff beat and deep synths build it up on the Original mix before Inaya's vocal lifts up the dancefloor to really let loose. Soaring synths and some of the most powerful adlibs you have ever heard set this a record to make a huge impact. Frankie Knuckles, godfather of house along with production and remix veteran Eric Kupper bring their 'Director's Cut classic club mix' to the table mixing up Inaya's vocal with phat driving beats and chunky, soulful elements. Frankie says 'This is a song I can not get out of my soul". Bimbo Jones (Marc JB and Lee Dagger) go for their classic dance floor sound with shimmering pads, cutting bass and tough beats. Tony Moran & Warren Rigg take the sound deep and underground, lifting the tune up with some twisted synths before dropping it back down to a deep beat. Goldlock and Octagon load the vocal up wth killer dubstep beats and bass slipping into a breakbeat that gets your heart pounding. MARC JB (of Bimbo Jones, Nightstylers, JBZ, Kid Tricky) is one of the UK's most prolific producers, as one half of ...

How a TENS machine helps ease pain.

How a TENS machine helps ease pain. Tube. Duration : 0.82 Mins.

This is Steve and he is here today to demonstrate how to correctly use a TENS machine.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Nancy Today: TENS machine for pain relief

Nancy Today: TENS machine for pain relief Tube. Duration : 2.68 Mins.

The physiotherapist puts the electrodes on my shoulder to help with the pain from frozen shoulder. Premodulated current.

*Fracking Gasholes* environmental song. Must stop hydraulic fracturing. Must stop global warming.

*Fracking Gasholes* environmental song. Must stop hydraulic fracturing. Must stop global warming. Tube. Duration : 3.03 Mins.

Fracking, also known as hydraulic fracturing, fracing, and fracture stimulation, is when shale gas drilling companies come to an area, buy up drilling rights from landowners, cut new roads and raze patches of land in formerly undisturbed natural environments, cart in and out tens of millions of gallons of water and tons of chemicals and "proppants" like sand with hundreds of big rig trucks that produce tons of diesel emissions and wear down existing roads, drill holes that go vertically down and then horizontally under multiple properties, mix the water, chemicals, and proppants together on-site to make fracking fluid, run compressors that produce more diesel emissions to pump the fluid into the wells at high pressure to shatter underground deposits of shale and release bound-up natural gas, pump some of the fluid back out and cart it off to who knows where while leaving the rest underground, install permanent equipment to "clean" and capture most of the natural gas that comes back up the well and to release gas into the air when there's excess pressure, and then pack up, go home, and cash checks while the land stays pockmarked with drill pads, the air's been polluted with volatile organic compounds, and the water supply of everyone downstream is left in jeopardy.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Colefax Mushroom Living Room Collection from Signature Design by Ashley

Colefax Mushroom Living Room Collection from Signature Design by Ashley Video Clips. Duration : 1.00 Mins. Colefax leather offers the luxurious look and feel of top quality leather with the benefit of protection. This contemporary design features the comfortable feel of plush boxed pillow arm pads and divided back perfect for any relaxing living room environment. The "pebble" embossed grain pattern of the leather surface offers a clean uniform look while the Tonal Suavage spray effect adds color and depth. Colefax is a Protected Leather (Cleaning Code: E) and is perfect for active households. Buy your new furniture at and save up to 70% off retail! Since 1999 we helped tens of thousands of consumers save with our great furniture deals. FREE NATIONWIDE DELIVERY & SETUP! BEST PRICE GUARANTEE! Like Us @ Facebook

Rugby Union - Wiki Article

Rugby Union - Wiki Article Video Clips. Duration : 61.50 Mins.

Rugby union, often simply referred to as rugby, is a full contact team sport which originated in England in the early 19th century. One of the two codes of rugby football, it is based on running with... Rugby Union - Wiki Article - Original @ http All Information Derived from Wikipedia using Creative Commons License: Author: Unknown Image URL: Licensed under:Copyright holder allows use with attribution., This work is in the public domain in the United States. Author: Unknown Image URL: Licensed under:This image is ineligible for copyright and therefore is in the public domain, because it consists entirely of information that is common property and contains no original authorship., This work is in the Public Domain., This work is in the public domain in the United States. Author: Unknown Image URL: Licensed under:This image is ineligible for copyright and therefore is in the public domain, because it consists entirely of information that is common property and contains no original authorship., This work is in the Public Domain., This work is in the public domai...

How to Use a TENS Machine for Back Pain

How to Use a TENS Machine for Back Pain Tube. Duration : 1.03 Mins.

More information is available at How to use your tens machine for low back pain relief. Including where to place your tens electrodes.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Health & Fitness : How to Use a TENS Unit to Tone Muscles

Health & Fitness : How to Use a TENS Unit to Tone Muscles Video Clips. Duration : 1.75 Mins.

A TENS unit comes with a manual that will explain how a person can set the unit for circulation, strength, endurance and tone. Discover how to place the electrodes from a TENS unit to tone muscles with help from a professional bodybuilder in this free video on health and fitness.

Pro-Patch 4x6 Butterfly TENS Unit Electrode with White Foam

Pro-Patch 4x6 Butterfly TENS Unit Electrode with White Foam Tube. Duration : 3.18 Mins.

To buy this product click on this link: OTC Wholesale carries a large assortment of high quality TENS Electrodes. This Butterfly Electrode features carbon electrode pads with a white foam backing. This backing makes it ideal for combining hot and cold therapies with TENS or Muscle Stimulation. These TENS Electrodes offers the highest quality of reusable gel on the market. Since the Electrode Pads are pre-gelled, simply place them on the area, and when finished, place them back on the electrode pad (included). The better you care for the electrodes, the longer they will last. •Flexible solid-carbon pad for maximum charge delivery and comfort •Reuseable American Made Gel •White Foam backing for comfort and flexibility •Molded wire connector for reliability and durability •Ideal for combining electrode therapy with Hot & Cold Therapies Quality TENS Electrodes means less replacement costs down the line. OTCWholesale carries the some of the very best TENS Electrode on the market. High Quality Electrode Pads will save you money in the long run by providing you with multiple use - up to 20 treatments - before replacing. Prolong the life of your TENS Unit Electrodes by purchasing Pre-TENS Conductive Gel and Post-Treatment TENS Lotion, or get everything you need in our TENS Accessories Kit!

美國陸軍工兵隊(US Army Corps of Engineers)

美國陸軍工兵隊(US Army Corps of Engineers) Video Clips. Duration : 42.83 Mins.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

1967 Corvette LS7 454 Guldstrand/Super Chevy Project Car For Sale

1967 Corvette LS7 454 Guldstrand/Super Chevy Project Car For Sale Video Clips. Duration : 2.35 Mins.

1967 Corvette LS7 454 Guldstrand/Super Chevy Project Car Stock #2109 Yellow exterior with Black stinger,code correct Black vinyl interior. Built 500hp 454ci LS7 GM long block, 4 speed manual transmission. If documentation is king, then this car is a god among Corvettes -- this beastly big block was a Super Chevy project car in 1991, with the installation of nearly all of its go-fast parts documented in several issues of the magazine. The original intention of this project car was to build a classic style Corvette for the 90s -- this included a big block engine with reduced compression ratio to run better on pump gas, and a thorough rethinking of the original suspension. In addition, all of the work that is documented in the magazine is also documented with invoices from Dick Guldstrand, one of the best known Corvette tuners in the world!! This car was treated to a body-off restoration (documented in Super Chevy), with many upgrades to the engine and suspension. Originally assembled on March 14, 1967, this Corvette shows paint that is typical of an older paint job, showing little wear other than a few stress cracks in the typical areas. This paint still shines very well, and is sure to turn heads. This was originally a Rally Red car, unlike many other yellow cars that started out as much less desirable colors such as White or Green. Bumpers were rechromed through Guldstrand in 1991, and are beginning to show some patina. All glass shows correct date codes with the ...

6 Channel Deluxe Electrosex Power Box Review

6 Channel Deluxe Electrosex Power Box Review Video Clips. Duration : 1.38 Mins. The Six Channel Electrosex Power Box is the king of electrosex boxes. It features six outputs, each with its own adjustable intensity. It offers 6 different wave patterns and two frequency knobs for adjusting the frequency on different outputs. It has a timer to control the length of your session. It has so much more. It even has an accupoint detection pen to help you find the best points to stimulate. With the two included adapters this kit can be used with all of our accessories. With a big bag of accessories you can turn this on and hook up a whole party all at once. The included accessories are amazing. It comes with five alligator clip leads, each of which comes with conductive rubber pads that they attach to. That alone allows you to energize five points on your body. It also included ones tens pin lead wire with two adhesive pads. It has three elastic bands for affixing the rubber pads. With all of those accessories, all the features, and all the compatible accessories, this is more of an Electrosex Power Party than a Power Box. While it is accessible to beginners, there's almost no end to the possibilities that this box presents. With all those fun features, you'd think you'd have to worry about constantly replacing the 6 C batteries that it takes to run it, but not with Zeus Electrosex. We include an ac adapter so you can plug it right into a power strip. So you can play all night and all day without ...

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Samsung Galaxy S II SkyRocket I727 - JTAG Service (Debricking/Unbrick/Brick FIX)

Samsung Galaxy S II SkyRocket I727 - JTAG Service (Debricking/Unbrick/Brick FIX) Tube. Duration : 4.90 Mins.

CONTACT FOR INQUIRIES ABOUT UNSUPPORTED BRICKED PHONES... T989, I727 AND I727R NOW SUPPORTED! Buy your Brick service from us here. We are one of the ONLY USA shops to do this as well as the MOST POPULAR SOURCE. See why tens of 1000's trust us with their phones and subscribe... Main Services Page: This is a preview promotion of what's involved in our debricking process. All phones follow a similar procedure. DO NOT TRY THIS AT ON YOUR OWN. I'm trained in small electronics and familiar with all the steps. It's very easy to damage components, small connectors and other parts during this process. Check us out on Facebook: Check us out on Twitter:

Max Chamois Living Room Collection from Signature Design by Ashley

Max Chamois Living Room Collection from Signature Design by Ashley Tube. Duration : 0.87 Mins. The Max Chamois Living Room furniture from Signature Design by Ashley, offers the luxurious look and feel of top quality leather with the benefit of protection. This contemporary design features the comfortable feel of plush pillow arm pads, scoop chaise pad seating and stitched divided back perfect for any relaxing living room environment. The smooth leather surface offers a clean uniform look while the subtle two-tone effect enhances color depth and vibrancy. Max is a Protected Leather (Cleaning Code: E) and is perfect for active households. Buy your new furniture at and save up to 70% off retail! Since 1999 we helped tens of thousands of consumers save with our great furniture deals. FREE NATIONWIDE DELIVERY & SETUP! BEST PRICE GUARANTEE! Like Us @ Facebook

Imphenzia - State Of Confusion (Adraw ft. Makrolon Radio Edit)

Imphenzia - State Of Confusion (Adraw ft. Makrolon Radio Edit) Video Clips. Duration : 3.28 Mins.

BUY: Label: Emona Records Tracklist: 01. Imphenzia - State Of Confusion (Adraw ft. Makrolon Radio Edit) (3:16) 02. Imphenzia - State Of Confusion (Adraw Remix) (6:19) IMPHENZIA reaches a worldwide audience with the mixture of trance, club and goa influenced music. Despite the vast number of electronic artists of today, the sound of Imphenzia carries unique characteristics that daily attract more listeners. Mainly releasing his music on the Internet has enabled tens of thousands of listeners from around the world to enjoy the hypnotic moods created in his compositions. Stefan was born in Haninge a few miles south of Stockholm, Sweden in the year 1975. By making short segments of music for multimedia presentations in the early 1990s his interest quickly grew and full-length electronic tracks started to take shape. Being nothing more than a spare time hobby, the hardware set up was very limited and tracks were produced using nothing more than a computer and a piece of software called "Fast Tracker". During the first years the tracks were made in a project named "Elite Beat", and most of the completed tracks remain unreleased yet today. It wasn't until 1997 that Imphenzia emerged, replacing the previous Elite Beat project. Tracks were released on the Internet and as the public showed much interest in the music, Stefan focused more resources and time, aiming to further progress as a musician and artist. The first independent album named "Sector" was ...

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Top 10 Reasons to Use Technology in Education: iPad, Tablet, Computer, Listening Centers

Top 10 Reasons to Use Technology in Education: iPad, Tablet, Computer, Listening Centers Tube. Duration : 5.50 Mins.

Tweet this video! Please like us on Facebook: For the Article in Print, visit While there are some nay-sayers who bring up some negative effects of technology on education in the classrooms, mainly budgetary reasons, using new technologies is the future of the education system. The following reasons should silence the nay-sayer and help them heed the wisdom from Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach, "Teachers will not be replaced by technology, but teachers who don't use technology will be replaced by those who do.". Teachers are finding that using different classroom technologies like tablet computers, digital video, iPods, and video games are great tools for helping students learn. Kindle ereader nook 1. Students love it. Students love using new technologies in the classroom. Whether it be the "cool" factor or just a genuine interest in new technology, it allows teachers to vary activities of the day and engage students. There is no commandment for education that says, "THOU SHALT NOT HAVE FUN" Students spend hours using technology like computers and television when they get home from school--why not engage them through their favorite mediums? 2. It engages the Four Key Components to Learning. Click on the link to read how technology in education (specifically the iPod School Listening Center) engages the 4 key components to learning. 3. Professional Development. Using new technologies allow students to learn another skill ...

OTC TENS Electrodes, 2x2 Inch Carbon with White Mesh Backing

OTC TENS Electrodes, 2x2 Inch Carbon with White Mesh Backing Tube. Duration : 2.12 Mins.

Click here to buy this product: These Electrode Pads are high quality, premium TENS Unit Electrodes made with American Made adhesive for superior reusability. These TENS Electrodes are professional quality and very popular with Healthcare practitioners for in-house use with their professional electrotherapy devices. They also make a prefered choice for your personal use TENS Unit. These TENS Electrodes offers the highest quality of reusable gel on the market. Since the Electrode Pads are pre-gelled, simply place them on the area, and when finished, place them back on the electrode pad (included). The better you care for the electrodes, the longer they will last. •Flexible solid-carbon pad for maximum charge delivery and comfort •Reuseable American Made Gel •White Cloth-Mesh backing for comfort and flexibility •Molded wire connector for reliability and durability Quality TENS Electrodes means less replacement costs down the line. OTCWholesale carries the some of the very best TENS Electrode on the market. High Quality Electrode Pads will save you money in the long run by providing you with multiple use - up to 20 treatments - before replacing. Prolong the life of your TENS Unit Electrodes by purchasing Pre-TENS Conductive Gel and Post-Treatment TENS Lotion, or get everything you need in our TENS Accessories Kit!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Tens Electrode Placments For Foot & Leg Pain With The Infrex Plus Machine

Tens Electrode Placments For Foot & Leg Pain With The Infrex Plus Machine Video Clips. Duration : 4.08 Mins.

How to place electrodes when using Infrex Plus combination tens / interferential therapy for foot, ankle or lower leg pain. Also describes how pain is felt in foot often after the foot was amputated as occurs in "phantom limb pain". More videos on site, Help for diabetic neuropathy using the Infrex Plus for pain and better circulation as well as pain reduction. Interferential therapy provides carryover, residual pain relief thus requiring fewer treatments. The Infrex Plus has an interferential treatment mode for long term carryover pain relief and a tens machine mode for immediate relief when can not plug Infrex unit into wall outlet.

Oakley Monster Dog & Straight Jacket

Oakley Monster Dog & Straight Jacket Video Clips. Duration : 6.53 Mins.

A quick comparison between the Oakley Monster Dog and the Oakley Straight Jacket

The Ultimate Pain Relief Machines -- TENS Pads

The Ultimate Pain Relief Machines -- TENS Pads Tube. Duration : 3.07 Mins. - We have always wanted to get relieved from pain fast. And the ever continuing research on pain and pain killers has done us more harm than good. We have got used to popping pills every time we feel a pain and perhaps that has become the standard. Interestingly and frighteningly, research has shown that in future generations, there is a lack of activity of the natural pain relief system of our body.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

TENS Machine Test

TENS Machine Test Tube. Duration : 0.95 Mins.

So my lovely missus is nearing labour and we hired this TENS machine (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator) as some people say it helps with labour pains by emitting electric shocks through pads attached to ones back thereby effecting pain signals going to the brain and in theory reducing pain. I decided to try this bad boy out on my arm.

Compex Electrode Pad Placement Chart

Compex Electrode Pad Placement Chart Video Clips. Duration : 7.63 Mins.

A visual guide to the Compex Electrode Pad Placement Chart. Learn proper placement of Compex electrode pads for muscle stimulation of the major muscle groups, including triceps, biceps, abdominal muscles, calf muscles, hamstrings, lower back muscles and more. Learn more about Compex with...

Part 2 - A Tale of Two Cities Audiobook by Charles Dickens (Book 02, Chs 01-06)

Part 2 - A Tale of Two Cities Audiobook by Charles Dickens (Book 02, Chs 01-06) Video Clips. Duration : 122.52 Mins.

Part 2. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Paul Adams. Playlist for A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens: A Tale of Two Cities free audiobook at Librivox: A Tale of Two Cities free eBook at Project Gutenberg: A Tale of Two Cities at Wikipedia: View a list of all our videobooks:

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Spaceplane - Wiki Article

Spaceplane - Wiki Article Tube. Duration : 26.75 Mins.

A spaceplane is a vehicle that operates as an aircraft in Earth's atmosphere, as well as a spacecraft when it is in space. It combines features of an aircraft and a spacecraft, which can be thought o... Spaceplane - Wiki Article - Original @ http All Information Derived from Wikipedia using Creative Commons License: Author: Unknown Image URL: Licensed under: This work is in the public domain in the United States. Author: Unknown Image URL: Licensed under: This work is in the public domain in the United States. Author: Unknown Image URL: Licensed under: This work is in the public domain in the United States. Author: Unknown Image URL: Licensed under: This work is in the public domain in the United States. Author: Unknown Image URL: Licensed under: This work is in the public domain in the United States. Author: Unknown Image URL: Licensed under: This work is in the public domain in the United States. Author: NASA Image URL: en.wikipedia.o...

Tens Unit Training Movie: From Body Clock Tens machine pain relief experts

Tens Unit Training Movie: From Body Clock Tens machine pain relief experts Tube. Duration : 9.72 Mins.

In 2007, Body Clock created a tens unit training movie for health care professionals. Packed with information, it has now been released to the public. Visit our USA site: or our UK site Visit the TENS machine experts - US UK:

Friday, November 9, 2012

Fasciculating Trapezius!

Fasciculating Trapezius! Tube. Duration : 0.95 Mins.

Fasciculations in my trapezius muscles from a TENS unit, Hong Kong Society for Hand Therapy seminar July 20, 2008.

OTC TENS Electrodes, 2x2 Inch Carbon with Tan Mesh Backing

OTC TENS Electrodes, 2x2 Inch Carbon with Tan Mesh Backing Video Clips. Duration : 2.82 Mins.

Click here to by this product: These Electrode Pads are high quality, premium TENS Unit Electrodes made with American Made adhesive for superior reusability. These TENS Electrodes are professional quality and very popular with Healthcare practitioners for in-house use with their professional electrotherapy devices. They also make a prefered choice for your personal use TENS Unit. These TENS Electrodes offers the highest quality of reusable gel on the market. Since the Electrode Pads are pre-gelled, simply place them on the area, and when finished, place them back on the electrode pad (included). The better you care for the electrodes, the longer they will last. •Flexible solid-carbon pad for maximum charge delivery and comfort •Reuseable American Made Gel •Tan Cloth-Mesh backing for comfort and flexibility •Molded wire connector for reliability and durability Quality TENS Electrodes means less replacement costs down the line. OTCWholesale carries the some of the very best TENS Electrode on the market. High Quality Electrode Pads will save you money in the long run by providing you with multiple use - up to 20 treatments - before replacing. Prolong the life of your TENS Unit Electrodes by purchasing Pre-TENS Conductive Gel and Post-Treatment TENS Lotion, or get everything you need in our TENS Accessories Kit!

Muscle Tenser On The Stomach

Muscle Tenser On The Stomach Video Clips. Duration : 1.95 Mins.

Aidan (Left) and Dale (Right) Put The Muscle Tenser Pads On Their Stomach. It Sends Shocks Through The Stomach, Causing The Muscles To Tense Which Then Creates Abbs. Watch Them In Shock And Pain. I Own This Video. Copyright Of 'serenityloveshim'

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Am I Nuts or Are You?

Am I Nuts or Are You? Video Clips. Duration : 45.18 Mins.

Big Al has a secret bug-out location in the mountains should a nuclear attack from Russia transpire.

HF54 Hands Free Ultrasound Therapy with Premod and IFC Current Muscle Stimulation

HF54 Hands Free Ultrasound Therapy with Premod and IFC Current Muscle Stimulation Tube. Duration : 12.23 Mins.

Hill Laboratories HF54 Hands-Free Ultrasound with Muscle Stim Saves Time, Increase Profits No Mess, Reusable Gelpad Digitally Controlled Repeatable Treatments Larger 65 cm2 Soundhead FDA Cleared The HF54 comes standard with one soundhead, interferential/premod muscle stimulation current, rolling cart, electrodes, stim wires, gel pads, retainer ring, weight bag, straps and spray bottle. A second soundhead and a horizon light therapy unit are optional add-ons. Premod current can run directly through one or both soundheads in combination with ultrasound! Eliminating Errors associated w/ Conventional Ultrasound The HF54 eliminates the two most common application errors associated with a traditional manual ultrasound treatment. These errors have been shown to reduce the effectiveness of ultrasound. These treatment errors are: 1) Treating for less than 10 minutes. 2) Treating too large of a surface area. Our Unique Ultrasound Soundhead The HF54 produces an even distribution of sound waves throughout its large (3 5/8") soundhead of 3 uniform and harmonized crystals. Two channels of interferential and premod current for muscle stim are included with the unit. Premod can be used in combination with ultrasound directly through 1 or 2 soundheads. Contours to the body curvatures Eliminates messy gel Retainer ring holds the pad in place Reusable with up to 4 weeks of use! HF54 Standard Features HF54 Hands-Free Therapeutic Ultrasound Generator Swing-Arm with Soundhead Combo IFC and ...

How To Use A Tens Pain Machine

How To Use A Tens Pain Machine Video Clips. Duration : 5.15 Mins.

Video from, on how to use a tens pain machine. Shows how to turn on, where to place tens electrodes, what to adjust such as tens pulse width, rate, burst, modulate so a patient can understand how to use a tens unit for pain. The Infrex Plus is the only unit that combines interferential tens pan machine with standard tens pain machines.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Official Circulation Booster v3 - Whats in the box

Official Circulation Booster v3 - Whats in the box Video Clips. Duration : 6.65 Mins.

Circulation Booster v3 explanation of "What's in the box" So simple to use and operate, the Circulation Booster v3® device has been proven to increase circulation, reduce swelling in the feet and legs and relive aches and pains. Place your feet onto the foot pads, switch it on and select your settings. It even includes 4 TENS pads to target hard to reach areas. For more information visit

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tens Machine, Tens Machine UK

Tens Machine, Tens Machine UK Tube. Duration : 8.62 Mins.

Shop online for Tens Machines and Tens Pads. We deliver fast and free in the UK. For more info click this link or call +44 (0) 844 693 1224 for any enquiries.

Proper Care & Use Of Tens Electrodes - Preserving Tens Pads

Proper Care & Use Of Tens Electrodes - Preserving Tens Pads Tube. Duration : 2.25 Mins.

Bob & Elizabeth Johnson, Physical Therapist,, explain how to save money on tens and interferential electrodes by proper storage and use of the reusable tens electrodes, tens pads. The Infrex Plus combination tens and interferential unit, also comes with larger reusable electrodes for interferential treatments which provides greater carryover pain relief. MedFaxx will bill insurance for tens electrodes and tens accessories as well as other eligible pain products such as topical pain products like Tiger Balm patches, Arnica pain patches, Sombra gel, Biofreeze cream, Flex all gel.


electroflex Video Clips. Duration : 2.50 Mins.

Der Electro Flex verbessert die Blutzirkulation

Monday, November 5, 2012

Hydrogen; Nature's Fuel

Hydrogen; Nature's Fuel Tube. Duration : 56.78 Mins.

This documentary tells the story of hydrogen through a series of intriguing interviews from those working on cutting-edge hydrogen technologies. The program explains to viewers every step of the process, including how hydrogen is created, how it is transported and dispensed, and how it is used in fuel cell vehicles and other end uses Tim Lipman; Research Co-Director, University of California, Berkley Michael Holmes; Deputy Associate Director, Research Energy & Environmental Research Center Gerry Groenewold; Director, Energy & Environmental Research Center Ghassan Sleiman; Engineer, Hydrogenics USA Tom Erickson; Associate Director, Research Energy & Environmental Research Center Ron Harper; CEO & General Manager, Basin Electric Power Cooperative Dakota Gasification Company, Great Plains Synfuels Plant Beulah, North Dakota Nathan Seigel; Researcher, Sandia National Laboratories Solar Tower & Heliostat Field, Albuquerque, New Mexico Michael McGowan; Head of Hydrogen Solutions, Linde North America Magog, Quebec Michael Gagne; Plant Manager, Linde North America Dev Patel; Manager, Kraus Global Kraus Global, Winnipeg, Manitoba Scott Bailey; Vice President, Kraus Global Morm Estey; Former President & CEO, Kraus Global Nuvera Fuel Cells, Billerica, Massachusetts Roberto Cordaro; President, Nuvera Fuel Cells James C. Cross III; Vice President, Nuvera Fuel Cells Darryl Pollica; Chief Engineer, Nuvera Fuel Cells Scott Blanchet; Director of Product Development, Nuvera Fuel Cells ...

Placing arm electrodes

Placing arm electrodes Video Clips. Duration : 5.28 Mins.

How to place electrodes on your arm and forearm.

Electric Shock Man - How to misuse Tens/Electric pulse massage pads

Electric Shock Man - How to misuse Tens/Electric pulse massage pads Tube. Duration : 0.92 Mins.

We found this little gem of a clip of a home movie VHS 1997. Laughed so much have now stored from the TV to the phone. We will try to get the copy off the tape and repost original with better quality.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Neuromuscular Stimulation (EMS) of Lower Abs

Neuromuscular Stimulation (EMS) of Lower Abs Tube. Duration : 1.85 Mins.

Electronic Muscle Stimulation (Neuromuscular Stimulation) of Lower Abdominals. Targeting Transverse Abdominus, and Oblique Muscles.

TCM iMassager TENS Acupuncture Massager Neck Back Pain Slimming

TCM iMassager TENS Acupuncture Massager Neck Back Pain Slimming Video Clips. Duration : 7.30 Mins.

*2011 version* TCM iMassager, 6 mode Digital Control Rechargeable Physical Therapy Device for Pain Relief, Injury Recovery & Rehab, Body Building, Muscle Stimulator. Product Features • ***New TCM concept: Ancient Chinese therapeutic methods and modern technologies combined*** • ***New feature: Safety Lock. Once you select your favorite mode and strength, you press the center button to lock the program for safe purpose.*** • ***Two major modes are upgraded: Guasha, body building. Improved intensity/strength is smoother and steady, more soothing.*** • State of the Art digital control Ancient Chinese therapeutic methods & modern technologies combined (Human Body Simulation technology, bionic technology, bioelectricity technology and microcomputer intelligent control technology) • Animated LCD screen: massage mode, strength & treatment time • 2 power sources: Rechargeable lithium battery connected to wall unit or computer USB port • Modulating frequency: 0.04-1Hz 10 level of strength adjustable from level 1 to level 10 • Reusable self-adhesive massage pads • 6 preprogrammed massage modes: Tuina, acupuncture, tapping, Guasha, body building and combination • Easily adjustable settings, including program Auto Mode & Safety Lock • Adjustable from 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 to 60 minutes, default timer: 20 minutes. When time is due, it is automatically shut off. • 2 year manufacturer's warranty • Pocket size, portable, convenient Effective and safe, simply follow illustrated user's manual ...

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Placing core electrodes.m4v

Placing core electrodes.m4v Video Clips. Duration : 3.13 Mins.

How to place electrodes on your abs and back for RTI's FES systems

Where Do I Put My Tens Patches? Help For Tens Unit Owners

Where Do I Put My Tens Patches? Help For Tens Unit Owners Tube. Duration : 2.82 Mins.

Video shows patients how to choose where to put tens patches, electrodes, tens pads, or interferential electrodes forpain relief. From, shows not only how to place tens electrodes but explains why to place tens electrodes for pain frelief. Logic of interferential and...

UFC 149 Open Workouts POV

UFC 149 Open Workouts POV Tube. Duration : 1.07 Mins.

Get a feel of what it's like to hold the pads for the top bantamweight contenders in the UFC just days before their interim championship bout. Check for the latest UFC info See the entire UFC 149 Fight Card Watch UFC 149 Live on YouTube: Follow the UFC on Twitter: About the Ultimate Fighting Championship® Universally recognized for its action-packed, can't-miss events that have sold out some of the biggest arenas and stadiums across the globe, the UFC® is the world's premier mixed martial arts (MMA) organization. Owned and operated by Zuffa, LLC, headquartered in Las Vegas and with offices in London, Toronto and Beijing, UFC produces more than 30 live events annually and is the largest Pay-Per-View event provider in the world. In 2011, the UFC burst into the mainstream with a landmark seven-year broadcast agreement with FOX Sports Media Group. The agreement includes four live events broadcast on the FOX network annually, with additional fight cards and thousands of hours of programming broadcast on FOX properties FX and FUEL TV. This also includes the longest-running sports reality show on television, The Ultimate Fighter®, which now airs on FX. In addition to its reach on FOX, UFC programming is broadcast in over 149 countries and territories, to nearly one billion homes worldwide, in 20 different languages. UFC content is also distributed commercially in the United States to bars and restaurants through Joe Hand ...

Friday, November 2, 2012

"I give them the method to change... by thinking" but they continue to repeat behaviors

"I give them the method to change... by thinking" but they continue to repeat behaviors Tube. Duration : 240.05 Mins.

Motivational speaking is a beautiful thing. Negative comments or dislikes come from those that are bored, and yes, I understand, that boredom would be a horrible state of being. For this reason, such words as this are here to teach you how to see past the negative, to come to the positive, to live in a new hope, to find life. To get past the hypnotic state, to rise up from the farm where you've toiled for, looking back over your life, likely feels like nothing. To say goodbye to the gin, see a new morning and do the work you love. But you need to know how to get past the lame, and ancient knowledge could hold the mystery to the kim-possible in your life. See the landscape of the uncanny poetry in your heart, do the ventures, find mental health. The elusive rational thinking that leads you to waste valuable time leaving negative comments, striking dislikes, this is the work of a bully, bullying to cause others to be the victim while the rest of us work in realms that are not considered what sucks. Bullies are against good things, which causes things to rust and decay. Get a new way of thinking, or begin to think at all... this is your moment. SF Media Elite hate Michael Savage by Richard Lieberman (415 Media, There's a reason why you have a lot of Michael Savage haters: most of them are concentrated in local media circles. What's the beef with Savage? Jealousy and envy. Oh, of course, money too. Savage is difficult to work ...

initial test with TENS unit on my face

initial test with TENS unit on my face Tube. Duration : 0.90 Mins.

This is my first test in an attempt to create a media triggered muscle memory program. I am using a hacked TENS unit, which applies a small amount of electricity to the pads in order to stimulate the muscle and make it flex.

January 11, 2011 - Lily Chews her Footpads

January 11, 2011 - Lily Chews her Footpads Video Clips. Duration : 2.15 Mins.

Back in the winter of 2000, when Lynn and Doug Hajicek of Whitewolf Entertainment placed the first ever den cam in Whiteheart's den, it only broadcast still images. Some images were screen captured and appear to be of Whiteheart chewing her foot pads, but the live den cam video we have in Lily's den leaves no doubt. Lily sat facing the camera, held up her right front paw, then bit and pulled at her toe pads as Hope looked on. And it was all captured on video. We've come a long way in the last 11 years—in available technology, our understanding of obscure den behaviors, and our ability to share that knowledge with the public. ~~~~~Lynn Rogers, Ph.D., regarded by many as the "Jane Goodall" of black bears, has spent over 44 years learning about wildlife and sharing his information with the public. Using airplanes, vehicles and snowshoes, he has radio-tracked over 100 bears in the vast forests of northeastern Minnesota, studying some for as long as 22 years. Lily is a three-year-old wild black bear who is part of Dr. Rogers' long-term study of black bear ecology and behavior at the Wildlife Research Institute. On January 8, 2010, Dr. Rogers installed a live video camera in Lily's winter den near Ely, Minnesota, so the public could share in the birth and care of her cub. Dr. Rogers, along with his research associate Sue Mansfield, and tens of thousands from around the world watched on the Internet, spending a sleepless night as bouts of labor continued for 21 hours and 39 ...

Thursday, November 1, 2012

04 Roger Shah presents Sunlounger - Son Of A Beach (Official Album Video)

04 Roger Shah presents Sunlounger - Son Of A Beach (Official Album Video) Tube. Duration : 4.65 Mins.

Listen on Spotify: Buy this video on iTunes! Download album at iTunes: Get the album CD here: Thisvideo is part of a whole series in which the new Roger Shah presents Sunlounger album; "Beach Side Of Life" will be visualized into a new perspective; contextually corresponding with each other. Parts of this specific video are filmed at the Armada Night in Buenos Aires. He started this summer with the third wave of his Magic Island mix series - his 'see-you-soon' musical-message to Balearically-minded people everywhere. The compilation prefaced one of the most incredible summer seasons of Roger's career -- one that has seen him take his unique, spellbinding LIVE show to all four corners of the globe -- witnessed by tens of thousands of people along the way. This October he'll book-end it with his 'closing party', the last sunset stroke of his 2010 summer... Under his most famous alias, Shah delivers Sunlounger's third artist album. The man to whom summer is as much an obsession as it is a season will again enthral with super-warm pads & super-chilled riffs; ones that will create a fresco of new music, infused & influenced, at every turn, by the sun. 'Beach Side's start-point -- both spiritual and actual - is Salinas, Ibiza, where Roger captured the ambient sounds, the lapping waves and his own muted musings for the title track. Back in the studio the drums and looping lamenting guitar refrains were brought in and they provide the perfect ...

How To Treat Pain From RSD, Arthritis, Neck Pain, Sciatica, Chronic Pain With Interferential Therapy

How To Treat Pain From RSD, Arthritis, Neck Pain, Sciatica, Chronic Pain With Interferential Therapy Video Clips. Duration : 2.02 Mins. The Infrex Plus comes with 4 electrodes. You can place 2 electrodes over one area of pain, and a second set of electrodes over another painful spot. Turn the unit on and set up using - 2 Pole mode. Now you can vary the intensity separately in each set of electrodes. This is a video on how to treat chronic pain without using drugs, a drug free treatment therapy.