Sunday, November 25, 2012

Milex Electrotherapy

Milex Electrotherapy Video Clips. Duration : 0.88 Mins.

Get a great deal here Product Description Milex Electrotherapy ELectrotherapy back pain reviver is a system to relieve your troubling back pain. The system uses TENS technology to alleviate back pain associated with sore and aching muscles in the lower back due to strain from exercise and normal household or work activities. TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) treatment now available without prescription. The TENS generates electrical impulses that are sent through electrodes placed over nerve centers. The various pulses employed by TENS can block pain signals normally sent to the brain through nerve fibers, thereby interrupting the brains awareness of pain. ELectrotherapy back pain reviver is FDA Cleared. Developed by leading experts in the field of medical electrotherapy, this Blue Wave stimulator sends comfortable electrical stimulation through pads on your skin into the nerves of your lower back. The stimulation blocks pain signals from traveling to the brain so that you feel less pain or no pain at all. You wrap the belt and pads around your waist just as you would a back support and the stimulator clips to your belt or slips into your pocket. You control the intensity and frequency of the stimulation. Wear in comfort even when golfing, gardening, shopping, driving, etc.

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