Friday, November 2, 2012

January 11, 2011 - Lily Chews her Footpads

January 11, 2011 - Lily Chews her Footpads Video Clips. Duration : 2.15 Mins.

Back in the winter of 2000, when Lynn and Doug Hajicek of Whitewolf Entertainment placed the first ever den cam in Whiteheart's den, it only broadcast still images. Some images were screen captured and appear to be of Whiteheart chewing her foot pads, but the live den cam video we have in Lily's den leaves no doubt. Lily sat facing the camera, held up her right front paw, then bit and pulled at her toe pads as Hope looked on. And it was all captured on video. We've come a long way in the last 11 years—in available technology, our understanding of obscure den behaviors, and our ability to share that knowledge with the public. ~~~~~Lynn Rogers, Ph.D., regarded by many as the "Jane Goodall" of black bears, has spent over 44 years learning about wildlife and sharing his information with the public. Using airplanes, vehicles and snowshoes, he has radio-tracked over 100 bears in the vast forests of northeastern Minnesota, studying some for as long as 22 years. Lily is a three-year-old wild black bear who is part of Dr. Rogers' long-term study of black bear ecology and behavior at the Wildlife Research Institute. On January 8, 2010, Dr. Rogers installed a live video camera in Lily's winter den near Ely, Minnesota, so the public could share in the birth and care of her cub. Dr. Rogers, along with his research associate Sue Mansfield, and tens of thousands from around the world watched on the Internet, spending a sleepless night as bouts of labor continued for 21 hours and 39 ...

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