Thursday, January 24, 2013

Packing Your Maternity Bag!

Packing Your Maternity Bag! Video Clips. Duration : 12.18 Mins.

If there are ANY questions you have, don't be afraid to ask! List below of everything you need: For the birth: Birth Plan - Green notes Dressing gown Slippers Socks Old nightdress or T-shirt (in labour) Message Oils / Aromatherapy Oils Homeopathic remedies / Rescue Remedy Lip balm Snacks & Drinks Camera Relaxation materials: books / magazines TENS machine Music (CD player / Ipod / MP3) Water Spray Bottles Your favourite pillow Birth Ball (Available in hospital, unless you would rather bring your own) For you, after the birth: Clothes to wear home Breast Pads (if your breast feeding) Nursing bras Maternity pads Nightwear (Front opening for those who are breast feeding) Toiletries Knickers (old / cheap or disposable) Address book / list of numbers or bring your mobile For baby: Nappies Cotten wall or pads Vests Baby-grows Hat Muslin Squares Jacket or snowsuit for winter babies Car seat Blanket for journey home Mittens / Socks

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