Saturday, October 27, 2012

How I stimulate my lazy quads - part 5

How I stimulate my lazy quads - part 5 Tube. Duration : 1.08 Mins.

Honestly I find the most effective and cheap way simply to use your saliva, it’s not a very clean way but it works perfectly! So normally I lick the electrodes, I put them on the inner side - there you are, the 2 others... because my aim is to strenghten the vastus medialis, which is this muscle here, the inner part of the leg, because the kneecap it goes outside this way, so the stronger I keep these muscles the more medial we keep the kneecap, so it tracks better - and it does work. Now that I have a much stronger vastus medialis my kneecap is tracking much better than before. so hopefully I will be able to postpone the dreaded knee replacement.

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