Monday, October 29, 2012

Using a Tens/EMS Unit & update

Using a Tens/EMS Unit & update Video Clips. Duration : 14.50 Mins.

Hello Everyone! Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day with either their loved ones or themelves. I received a comment asking me to go over how to use the tens/ems unit. So this is a quick video on how I use it (let me know if you need me to clarify or specify anything). I am also still working on the "Caring" Doctor Database, so if any of you (with any chronic pain condition, or simiar connective tissue dsorders) want to recommend a doctor that has gone above and beyong to treat you or a loved one, please share their contact info. We all need to be connected to caring and honest doctors. ALSO! Spread the word that anything ZEBRA means EDS Awareness!

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